Etats-Unis, 2006
Prod. : Icon Productions (1)
/ Coul. / Langue : yucatec (maya)
Fiche technique
Réal. : Mel GIBSON; Scén. : Mel GIBSON & Farhad
SAFINIA; Images : Dean SEMLER; Prod. : Vicki CHRISTIANSON (executive
producer), Bruce DAVEY (producer), Ned DOWD (executive producer),
Mel GIBSON (producer), Farhad SAFINIA (co-producer); Montage :
Kevin STITT, John WRIGHT; Casting : Carla HOOL; Production Design
: Thomas E. SANDERS [Tom SANDERS]; Costume Design : Mayes C. RUBEO.
- Makeup Department : David P. BARTON (special makeup effects
artist), Simona CASTALDI (makeup artist), Hannah ECCLESTON (prosthetic
makeup artist), Giorgio GREGORINI (key hair stylist), Rossella
GREGORIO (special makeup effects artist), Lynn JOHNSON (makeup
artist), Jim KNELL (production photographer : Captive Audience
Productions), Harvey LOWRY (director of operations : Captive Audience
Productions), Daniel PARKER (Make-Up Artist), Liah SALDAÑA
(special makeup effects assistant), Rebekah SANDERS (makeup artist),
Aldo SIGNORETTI (co-makeup designer), Aldo SIGNORETTI (hair designer),
Katia SISTO (prosthetic makeup artist), Vittorio SODANO (makeup
designer), Marinela SPASENOVIC (prosthetic makeup artist), Keith
VANDERLAAN (makeup effects creator : Captive Audience Productions).
- Production Management : CHOKE (assistant unit manager),
Adrian DEVANE (unit production manager : UK), Eamon O'FARRILL
(unit manager). - Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
: Stephanie «Tuty» CORREA (2nd second assistant
director), Adrian GRUNBERG (1st assist. director), Mauricio LULE
(2nd second assistant director), Stacy PERSKIE (key 2nd assistant
director). - Art Department : Alfredo ACLE (concept artist),
Carlos BENASSINI (set designer), Ezra BUENROSTRO (assistant art
director), Carlos COSIO (model maker), Ricardo M. KAPLAN (art
coordinator), Erick MONROY (set designer), Daniela ROJAS (assistant
armourer), Daniela ROJAS (props), Dan SWEETMAN (storyboard artist),
Theresa WACHTER (supervising art director). - Sound Department
: Simon RHODES (music scoring mixer). - Effets spéciaux
: Brandon ENGSTROM (sculptor), Jason HAMER (special effects
technician), Chris HAMPTON (special effects technician), Tim MARTIN
(special effects crew), Liah SALDAÑA (assistant effects
coordinator), Liah SALDAÑA (special effects makeup), Keith
VANDERLAAN (animatronic effects designer and creator : Captive
Audience Productions). - Effets spéciaux visuels :
Les BERNSTIEN (motion control operator), Gian GANZIANO (visual
effects editor), Kim JORGENSEN (visual effects producer), Paul
MAPLES (motion control operator), Ted RAE (visual effects supervisor),
John STEWART (digital compositor : Asylum). - Cascades :
Scott WORKMAN (stunt rigger). - Divers : Adam AUSTIN (libra
head operator), Rocky BABCOCK (libra head operator), Ana BALLESTEROS
(caterer), Jose Manuel BALLESTEROS (craft service coordinator),
Mauricio BALLESTEROS (craft service), Muñoz Portal CARLOS
(location assistant), Sylvie CHESNEAU (script supervisor), Andrew
COOPER (still photographer), Javier Del RIO (location assistant),
Barbara DUNNING (1st assist. film editor), Jeannie FLYNN (costume
supervisor), Mark JACYSZYN (production supervisor : Captive Audience
Prod.), Harvey LOWRY (director of operations : Captive Audience
Productions), Cristina Ramiro MONROY (editorial production assistant),
Miguel NECOECHEA JR (production assistant), John NIXON (armorer),
Blaise NOTO (production publicity), Alfonso PAREDES (driver),
Chris PAVLU (electrician), Mark PERZELY (assistant editor : avid),
Jorge Eduardo RAMÍREZ (production assistant), Greg G. REEVES
(rigging electrician), Raul RIVEROS (camera utility), Horacio
RODRÍGUEZ (assistant location manager), Pablo SANTIAGO-BRANDWEIN
(best boy grip), Rodrigo URBANO (casting assistant), Alejandro
URIEGAS (location assistant), Fernando URIEGAS (location manager),
Efrén VALLADARES (travel coordinator), Nelly Ruelas VELA
(production assistant), J. Xavier VELASCO (EPK cinematographer),
Kelly WAY (set lighting technican); Musique : James HORNER.
Fiche artistique
Dalia HERNÁNDEZ (Seven) - Mayra SÉRBULO - Gerardo
TARACENA (Middle Eye) - Raoul TRUJILLO (Zero Wolf) - Rudy YOUNGBLOOD
(Pattes-de-Jaguar [Jaguar Paw]).
INT/ Icon Entertainment International
EU/ Walt Disney Pictures (Touchstone)
CDN/ Buena Vista Canada (annoncé au Québec, 8 décembre
FR/ Quinta Communications (annoncé, janvier 2007)
Extérieurs près de Vera Cruz, au Mexique. Budget
50 millions de dollars.
Six cents ans avant la conquête de l'Amérique Centrale
par les Espagnols, une prospère Cité-Etat maya voit
venir les prémices de sa fin : ses terres deviennent stériles.
Elle a beau honorer ses dieux en leur construisant sans cesse
de nouveaux temples, toujours plus nombreux, et multiplier les
sacrifices humains, rien n'y fait...
Pattes-de-Jaguar, un jeune homme choisi pour être sacrifié,
fuit le royaume pour essayer d'échapper à son destin.
Tagline : When the end comes, not everyone is ready to go
Source : Tim PADGETT (adaptation Matthieu CARRATIER - photos
Andrew COOPER), «Mad Max... chez les Mayas», Première,
n 353, juillet 2006, pp. 94-99.
TEASER : http://www.apple.com/trailers/touchstone/apocalypto/
http://www.ecranlarge.com/fiche-cinema-2641.php |